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Student Loan Borrowers Sue the Federal Government

Student loan borrowers have been having a difficult time recently. Even though laws have given them some relief from loan payment obligations for the time being, every day seems to bring a fresh assault on this seemingly b...

Apple and T-Mobile Face New Class-Action Lawsuit over Security Breaches

Apple has been making updates to its iOS system to address privacy concerns. Some of its previous software versions may have had breaks where third parties can access data. That is the concern for a new...

Did Toxic Baby Food Cause Your Child's Autism or Asperger's Syndrome?

At least three class action lawsuits and mass tort litigation is being filed against seven baby food manufacturers who marketed baby food containing high levels of lead, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium. T...

Chicago Parking Meters Hit with an Antitrust Lawsuit

The proposed bipartisan compromise on the infrastructure bill has focused some spotlight on the public-private partnerships (PPP) that are a major part of the bill. Critics have argued that these harm the average person...

This Major Lawsuit Loss Could Have Devastating Consequences for Walmart

Retail giant Walmart has been at the center of many lawsuits before, but normally, their team of legal experts help them settle cases and avoid unfavorable court rulings. However, a recent lawsuit pro...

Johnson & Johnson Appeals a $2.1 Billion Verdict in a Missouri Talc Powder Case

In one of its many legal problems stemming from a rash of product liability cases, Johnson & Johnson is waging an appeal against a multibillion dollar verdict against it in the talc powder...

Wisconsin Residents: Unclaimed Money Could Be Waiting for You

The holiday season often brings joy, but it can also leave many of us financially stretched. Here’s some great news for Wisconsin residents: you might have unclaimed property waiting for you through the Wi...

Unclaimed Funds: Don't Leave Your Money on the Table

Have you ever thought about the billions of dollars in unclaimed funds lying around? Unclaimed assets — including forgotten bank accounts, undelivered insurance payouts, and neglected property — ...

ACLU Files Class-Action Lawsuit for the Use of Brute Force in Portland

ACLU Files Class-Action Lawsuit for the Use of Brute Force in Portland The nation has been under deep stress as protests overtake several cities and states in America. People are exercising their firs...