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Avoid Unclaimed Funds Scams This Christmas

Bottom Line: The good news here is that unclaimed funds in general are not a scam and you might actually have unclaimed funds out there waiting for you. If you own a phone, then you have likely received a call before tell...

Attorney Generals of 23 States Challenge Federal Student Loan Debt

Returning to class action lawsuits against the United States Department of Education, Betsy DeVos, student loan processors, and colleges and universities, a multistate coalition of Attorney Generals calls ...

Financial Relief for Cancer Patients Who Used Zantac or Ranitidine

If you or your loved one developed cancer symptoms after prolonged use of Zantac or ranitidine, you may be able claim personal injury compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain, and suffering. If y...

Law on Call? Why This May be the Next Evolution of Legal Aide

One of the most common complaints amongst the public is that it can be quite difficult to obtain the services of both a good and affordable attorney. This has led to debates on how the justice system unfairly...

How to Boost Credit Score to Get Lower Car Payments

One of the biggest challenges for a person who has low income is getting a low car payment. The individual may have a credit score that isn't in the gutter, but the top lenders still won't touch him. The subprime len...

The People's Republic of China Reimburses U.S. Businesses

California businesses filed against the People's Republic of China and the People's Government of the Hubei Province for trillions of dollars lost due to the failure of the Chinese government to contain the d...

Financial Institutions and Companies Owe People Billions of Dollars: How to Access Your Unclaimed Funds

Did you know corporations and financial institutions owe billions of dollars to people? The money is often left unclaimed, as people don't know how to access it. If...

GM Pushed to the Edge with New Lawsuit: SUVs Loses Quarts of Oil Monthly

GM just welcomed another class-action lawsuit on their desk. The GM vehicles with the V8 Vortec engines have excessive oil consumption issues which is another unfortunate event on top of the other ...

8 Smart Moves If You Are Struggling Financially

Struggling to make ends meet is no fun, but you're not alone; around 78% of adults struggle with daily bills. Good news, though! There is help available to make things better and get you on solid footing. Here are the...