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Federal judge approves multi-billion dollar settlement between local governments and the Sackler family

  Purdue Pharmaceuticals Purdue Pharma is a multi-decade old company that is thought to be largely responsible for the opioid epidemic. This is due to their creati...

Fans Sue Major League Baseball for a Refund on Tickets

Most Americans view baseball season starting in any format as the sign that the country is starting to get back to normal after the COVID-19 crisis. However, even the most optimistic forecasts do not have baseball tea...

Texas Family Files a Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against Tyson Foods for COVID-19

The family of a Tyson Foods employee who died from COVID-19 is suing his employer for wrongful death. This is one lawsuit in what is expected to be a wave of litigation filed by sickened employee...

Consumer Sues Nestle Claiming that the Vanilla in Coffee Mate Is Artificial

A favorite lawsuit filed by class action attorneys is that a consumer product is not what it claims to customers in its marketing. The attorneys get a decent cut of the settlement agreement while ...