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Bucks County Residents: Could Some of the $133 Million in Unclaimed Assets Be Yours?

Kelly Cooke
Published Nov 19, 2024

Bucks County Residents: Could Some of the $133 Million in Unclaimed Assets Be Yours?

Imagine finding money you didn’t know you had—like an old paycheck, a forgotten savings account, or even overpaid utility bills.

For residents of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, that dream could very well become a reality.

The Pennsylvania Treasury holds over $4.5 billion in unclaimed property, with $133 million belonging to Bucks County alone.

Whether it’s a few bucks or thousands, these forgotten funds could be waiting for you. In fact, in just one day, Bucks County residents reclaimed over $200,000, thanks to efforts led by local officials.

Related: Pennsylvania Treasury Returns Record-Breaking $500 Million in Unclaimed Property Over Two Years


What Is Unclaimed Property?

Unclaimed property consists of money or other assets that haven’t been claimed by their rightful owner. This could include:

  • Forgotten paychecks
  • Unused gift cards
  • Overpaid utility bills
  • Old stocks and bonds
  • Dormant bank accounts

The state holds these funds securely until the owner or their heirs come forward.

Read: The State By State Guide to Unclaimed Assets

How to Check If You Have Unclaimed Property

Finding out if you have unclaimed property is easier than you think—and it’s completely free. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Visit This site links to state and national databases for unclaimed property.
  2. Use Endorsed by the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators, this site allows you to search across multiple states.
  3. Search by State: Visit the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators website to connect directly with your state’s unclaimed property office.
  4. Check Treasury Hunt: If you or a family member had U.S. savings bonds, use the Treasury Hunt tool to search for matured, unclaimed bonds over 30 years old.

Tips for a Successful Search

  • Conduct searches for every state where you’ve lived or worked.
  • Be cautious of companies charging fees to locate unclaimed property—searching is always free through official channels.
  • Avoid using generic search engines, as scammers often prey on those looking for unclaimed funds.

A Community Effort to Recover Your Money

State officials, including Sen. Frank Farry and Rep. Joe Hogan, have made it their mission to reconnect Bucks County residents with their unclaimed funds. "We’re thrilled to help our constituents recover their money," said Hogan.

With billions of dollars in unclaimed property across the country, it’s worth taking a few minutes to see if some of it belongs to you.

Don’t leave your money behind—start your search today and take back what’s rightfully yours.

Previous article: How to Reclaim Your Unclaimed Assets and Avoid Penalties


Don't miss out on money that's rightfully yours. Let us help you quickly search for unclaimed assets.

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